16 weeks pregnant 🥑


My Personal Update

A Much Better Trimester

This trimester has already been miles better.

For one, I can tolerate eggs again—not just tolerate, but crave them. I’m grateful to be back to eating eggs for breakfast, especially since I’m still experiencing a bit of a meat aversion. That one hasn’t entirely gone away.

Changing Cravings and Food Aversions

Before pregnancy, my mouth would water at the sight of a perfectly cooked medium-rare filet or prime rib. I’m shocked that neither sounds appealing to me now, and I haven’t even attempted to eat one since getting pregnant.

I’ve also become really picky about meat. I’m rarely in the mood for it, but when I do push myself to eat it for the sake of protein, it has to be either chicken or ground beef—and it must be good quality. None of that Tyson crap.

First Trimester Fatigue

During the first trimester, I really struggled with my energy levels. The fatigue and exhaustion were on another level—beyond anything I had ever experienced.

The only “workout” I could manage—and when I say manage, I mean force myself off the couch—was going for a walk. Since my usual weekly Pilates workouts were out of the question, I opted for trails or hikes where I could walk at an incline for an extra burn. Just doing this three times a week, on top of my waitressing job, helped me feel better about myself. At least I was getting my steps in.

More Energy in the Second Trimester

This trimester, I’m still tired, but it’s nothing compared to the exhaustion I felt before. Now, I experience waves and bursts of energy—even if they’re short-lived. A nap actually helps, whereas in the first trimester, no amount of sleep could shake that drained, lifeless feeling.

Getting Back into Pilates

This week, I started back up with Pilates, finding second-trimester or pregnancy-approved at-home workouts on YouTube. I was surprised by how challenging the workout felt, even though it was beginner-level.

It was a wake-up call—if I went the rest of my pregnancy without exercising, I can’t imagine how hard it would be to get back into it postpartum. That realization gave me the motivation to keep going, even if it’s only a few times a week for 25 minutes at a time.

Although I started the workout feeling tired, I was pleased to find that afterward, I actually had more energy than when I began. I hope to keep up with Pilates for the rest of my pregnancy for the sake of my mental health and strengthening my pelvic floor.

The bump is bumpin’

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